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Cards format

Poker is played with a 52 cards deck without any joker. There are three big formats of play cards (without counting tarot card format). The french format (55 mm x 84 mm), the Bridge or Narrow format (58 mm x 88 mm) and the one in which we are interressed in, the Poker format (63 mm x 88 mm) also called Wide. Two index format are available, (index is the spade, heart, diamond and clubs sign on the card): the Regular format, where the index is repeated most currently four times and the Jumbo (or Super) format where the index is repeated only twice.

Cartes de poker index Jumbo et Regular

Different types of cards

The harback cards

These cards are the ones than we commonly find in our drawers. There are generally in French format and are more adapted for playing the belote than playing poker. We will rather like the formats above.

Cartes cartonnées Grimaud FFB

The laminated hardback cards

These cards can have a polished look, the format the most used is the american one. These cards are commonly used in casinos, some casinos even have their own brand like the Bee, the Bicycle, the Tally-Ho. These cards are less fragile than the hardback cards but don't have the longevity of plastic cards. The price of this type of cards is about a few euros, so it will be perfect for beginners or casual players.

Cartes Bicycle plastifiées

The plastic cards

The 100% plastic cards are the prefered cards for poker amateur because their longevity is way more superior than the two other types of cards. Two kinds of plastic are used: acetate of cellulose (for exemple the Kem cards) and PVC (for exemple the COPAG or Fournier cards). These cards are very pleasant to play with because they slip well, they are flexible and don't buckle, they resist to splashings and are washable.

Cartes Fournier Plastique Jumbo Index